Sit Ups?
Hello to all my brothers and sisters
First, I would like to thank you all for your support and words of wisdom. I have learned more from all of you than from my surgery doctor and his staff. That is another story. Once again I need your words of wisdom. I had my surgery on August 31. It has been 10 weeks since I got out of the hospital. So far everything has been fine. I have not had any pain or complications. I am down 50+ pounds. On November 5th I saw the doctor who performed the surgery. He asked me how I was doing and saw my stomach. The doctor told me I could now do heavier weights and I should join a gym so I would not have so much flab hanging when more weight came off. I have a small gym in my garage with weights and a treadmill. I have been doing the treadmill and 5 pound weights. I have been waiting for the day when I could do heavier weights and exercizes for the stomach. Can any of you please share your experience concerning when you were able to do sit ups and lifting heavier objects? I know all of you are not doctors, but you have one thing most doctors do not have. You all have lived it. We all can relate thanks to the surgery. I feel good, healthy and no pain, but I just want to make sure. The doctor gave me the green light, but I need to hear it from people who have gone through it and done it. Unfortunately the doctor and me did not have a good relationship. The doctor is a great surgeon, who I would recommend to anyone needing the surgery, but we did not bond. Like I said, that is another story. Thank you all for taking time to read and answer it. God bless you and take care.
Hi Luis, I just had my 3 month check up and my doctor won't release me till I am 6 months to work out with weights or tension bands... I do go walking but he said that is all he wants me to do right now... I think because I had a hernia and he had to repair that while he did my revision so I am doing everything he says.....
I think it is really up to have you feel once you start... not over doing it of course....
Good Luck
Hi there. My doctor released me to start excericising at 6 weeks post op. I don't think I've been okayed for stomach excercises yet, but I've started doing them slowly. I do weight machines for arms and legs, play raquet ball and take a step and tone class. All of these things are fine for me. I did feel a strain at first at raquet ball and the weights, so I just went easier on the weights and held of on the raquet ball. Do it at your own pace. Take it very easy at first, because if you don't feel it at the time it's totally possible that you will feel it later that evening or the following morning. That's what was happening to me. Good Luck.
Hi Luis!
I just went to my 3 month check-up (a little early). My doctor cleared me for any and all exercise. What I particularly asked about was aerobics, and he said "Go for it!"
I have been doing resistance training with foam weights under water. The only thing that hurts on me is my arms!
Hope this helps!

Hi Luis,
I am also about 11 weeks post op and I have been going to my local GYM for about 4 weeks now. I did have a few complications. Including rupture of internal stiches at my belly button so I was taking it slow. At first I just did the treadmill and a few of the strength resistance machines ( upper body and legs)...... avoiding the abd. About three weeks ago My MD said I could do any thing that did not cause pain. Since then I have added the abd machines and GRADUALLY have gone up to 25 pounds for the ABD machines. ! I feel great! I started with ten pounds and added every three workouts... There are some days where I feel I can do more than the 25, but I do not want to pu**** to fast.
The main point is that while we all had surgery.. we all are different and have different abilities. PLEASE increase YOUR WORKOUT to what best suits you. Going slower with a gradual increase is best for any one begining a new workout routine.
Speaking oif the GYM....... I need to get going .

The more I read your advise the more confident I feel that the time is right to start working on my stomach. They say patience is a virtue. I will try not to over do it. I'm pretty sure you and me and everyone who has had the surgery has lots of energy to exercize. Have a good time at the gym and good luck and God bless you.
Once again, I know I can count on the people of for great advise. Thank you Amber for the words of encouragement. I wish I was as lucky as you in having a good doctor. I will start doing resistance training. I will also pay attention to any pains and discomforts I might get. Hopefully, just like you, the only thing that will hurt is my arms. Thank you for taking time to answer my question and good luck on your quest and God bless you.
My surgury was Aug 23. Since Oct. 22 I have included activities other than walking. What seems to be good but easy on the stomach is Pilates. I have a "Pilates for dummies" video tape that is very basic. Also it shows modified and harder versions of all the exercises. I started out with the modified and now can do the regular ones. I was very nervous at first and the doctor would only tell me to not overdo it, never would tell me what that was! Work out gently and slowly at first. Hope this helps!