Hey Shay!
I was starting to think I was the only August 2004 baby still in the 40's for lbs. lost. My surgery was on 8/17...and I'm down 43 pounds so far.
I like your profile, BTW. There is some helpful information.
Like you, I cannot tolerate sugar. It makes me nauseous almost immediately. One thing I've learned is to put a little peppermint breath mint in my mouth---if I am feeling nauseous, and it helps alleviate some of that feeling.
I like the Carnation Instant Breakfast chocolate flavored liquid shakes....for the carb conscience, of course! Splenda is my friend! They have low carbs and pretty good protein grams.... Anyway, they taste the best, and that's what I'm going with.
I like string cheese...peanut Minute Maid and Sonic crushed ice! I love steak, but I can't eat much and have to cut it into tiny bites.
Good luck with all your efforts. Sounds like you're really educated and doing well with this. I'm glad your profile shares so much good information.
~Laura in Alabama

HI ALL! I had my surgery 8/11/04 so I hope I can post with you all. I am down 73#s so far. I started at 373 on the day of surgery.Now I"m between 299 - 300#. I can eat almost any thing (except surgery things of course) . Once in a while something disagrees with me but I'm fine once I throw up. I try to do a protein shake once a day but it taste so awful and is lumpy it ends up being about every other day. I eat 3 times a day and maybe 1 snack (jerky or olives or banana mainly. weird taste huh?) I do water aerobics 3 times a week for exercise.
I'm down 48 since surgery on 8/13, and 69 total since March. I am still having a lot of trouble tolerating red meat, pounltry or fish, unless it's ground up or shredded in soup. I think my diet is too routine right now, and calories are still too low, and realized last week that this might be contributing to my slower weight loss right now. I'm trying to add more variety to see if this helps.
Well I am the "Biggest slow looser"! I am down 45# and 5 or better days then you all! Whooohooo I win at something lol!! I can eat most amy thing cept I dony eat the unrefines carbs and only sf foods. I have been known to taste things is thay are pouch worthy but I only have 2 bites and thats it. I have to say for some reason I can eat alot more when I have PMS vert odd I think
but you cant fight moter nature. Most days I try not obsess over the amount and fats ect food thats my big battle is my old mind set! I am tring to just eat "clean" foods. well must run off to work in a few have a good day kimw

I also had my surgery on 8/10. I'm down 62 lbs and feel great. I am having troubles with eating poultry and carbs. I try to stick to high protein. Sugar hasn't bothered me so it's a good thing I'm not a sugar eating person. I am working out 3 times a week and taking a deep water aerobics class twice a week. I feel good.
Thanks for the update.
Weight at Surgery: 255
13 Week Weight: 193
- 62 lbs WOO HOO

Hi Shay!
We are doing pratically the same as far as loss. I had surgery on 8/11 and since surgery, as of yesterday, I have lost 47 lbs! We aren't slow, sweetie....we are right on track!
What was your starting weight? Mine the day of surgery was 232. I am 5'3.
Since November 2003 I have lost 83 lbs! Yay me!

I had my surgery Aug. 9th and am down 63 pounds. I can now tolerate carbs and sugars but try and avoid them. I have one protien drink a day and most of my meals are almost entirely centered around protien. I eat alot of lunch meats and cheese. My only real struggle is trying to get the water in.
Hi everyone! I had surgery on 8/10 and was 283 on the day of surgery. I am 225 today for a loss of 58 pounds if my math is correct.
I have become addicted to Ice Tea with Splenda. I found a protein shake that I love, love, love. From IDS, it comes in Belgium Chocolate, Vanilla Cinnamon and Cappucino and it has no protein smell, no aftertaste, and the chocolate tastes so rich and delicious. One 8 oz glass with skim milk is 31 grams of protein and about 190 calories. I drink it on the way to work each morning, and then get the rest of my protein from food.
The only problem I have is that I eat too fast and then throw up. Sometimes I feel like my old self and forget that I have to eat slow. Old habits die hard.
Still slow on the exercise front. It is getting cold here and I hate the cold weather. I think I will ask Santa for a fabulous treadmill for Christmas.
Later all!