Amber, I'm right there with you, I haven't lost a thing. I have only lost .6 lbs. since last Monday. FRUSTRATING!!!!
Although, everyone is telling me that my body has to catch up. I'm down 61.8 I'm basically just saying 62 lbs. I didn't exercise the last week and a half, so I'm going to blame it on that. Hopefully when I start up again this week it will kick the weight loss up a notch...
I think it is normal to slow down, but it is very frustrating.
Keep up the good work Amber...hopefully the scales will start moving again soon for both of us!
I have not lost any weight in the last week either. I started weight lifting and I'm sure that may be a factor. Still, I have to keep reminding myself that I am doing everything that I am supposed to! I guess we just have to hang in there and eventually we'll start to lose again!
Have a blessed day!
Hang in there. I lost nothing for 3 weeks, then...bam...3 lbs, then 2 more! I tried to add a few more calories and that seemed to do the trick. I realized I was consuming less than 500 calories a day, so naturally my body was conserving like crazy. I exercise about 45 min per day. I still can't eat much, so I just go high protein drinks (25g per 6oz) and nibble on good food as I can.
Hey Amber...
....Same here. About three weeks ago, I began a two-week plateau that just about knocked me out! I wanted those scales to budge, but they wouldn't go down! At least they weren't going up!
Anyway, after the two-week plateau, I got back in the business of losing weight. All is well, but the weight loss is not nearly as fast in the third month as it was in the first two. I think this is normal.
Keep drinking your fluids----taking your calcium---eating enough to keep your metabolism up----all the things you're supposed to be doing, including exercise. This will get you back on the losing end of things before you know it.
I bet that you feel the inches coming off when you're in a plateau, right? I always do!
Strange how that works? GOOD LUCK!
~Laura in Alabama

Actually I thought about doing my measurements after I posted.
I only lost 1/2" in my left arm and 1/2" in my left calf. Everything else stayed the same.
I am trying to get in more liquids, but I have a hard time because I am trying to get in all my protein, too. But I have been drinking OJ in the mornings and sipping on water the rest of the day. And I snack on String cheese and soy nuts.