Anyone struggling with "issues"?!
Hi, everyone! I'm post op 8/24/04, down 57 lbs., feeling good and fairly active. However, this last week I have been wanting to eat, eat, eat. It's not been this much of a struggle for me since the very beginning. I want to eat everything bad and everything in between. I sucessfully got through the monthly hormones, but wonder if this is a natural fluctuation of resolve or my bad habits breaking through my intentions.
I am not currently under any extra stress, but I have had some crummy stuff going on in the last few weeks. I'm famous for dealing well during a crisis, but feeling entitled, whiney and glutonous afterwards.
Anyone else dealing with eating "issues" right now?
I have had the same problem the last few days, and I spoke with another woman that had surgery at my hospital the same day, and she is going through the same thing. I guess it must be natural. Although, I have succumbed to the feeling, I'm trying to pick good choices, and if they aren't necessarily good choices, making them small amounts. I bought some Light Tostitos and dip them in Medium Salsa, when I get like that, about 5 chips, and I'm good...before surgery, it would have been the whole bag of chips (and not light ones I might add), and the whole jar of salsa. I have found that if I choose higher protein items for the most part, I'm able to get through the munchies a lot whiney and glutton attached.
So, from what I can tell...this is normal.
Good Luck!
I can totally identify with what you are saying. I am having such a hard time with the whole "no carbs" thing. I just went through my period and cheated a little. I got this horrible feeling of failure and sadness. I felt like "look I am two months out and already failing" These words my doctor told me were ringing in my ears about this guy who had the surgery lost about 60lbs and then started to gain it all back and then some. That is my worst nightmare. I wish I could go back to the beginning and just eat soup but I get hungry now. As unfortunate as our situation is I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who is still fighting the food demon.
Good Luck to You,
Same problem here, and it doesn't matter what food it is. Last night I had dinner guests. I bought a rotisserie chicken and some pasta side dish and sweet potatoes. Anyways, after they left, I went to go clean up the kitchen and I wanted a small piece of chicken. I ended up scarfing down a whole leg (it was a very small chicken). But 10 minutes later it came back up. I don't know what had come over me. I ate way too fast. I acted like I hadn't eaten in weeks. It was just like I was compulsively eating again! I was so ashamed of myself.
I need some counseling. I will never be successful if I don't get this under control.