hormonal rollercoaster!!!!
Oh my gosh you guys I feel like I am having a mid life crisis and I am 23 lol. I feel like I am PMSing all the time. I could cry or get really frustrated so easily lately. I also feel like I am coming to terms with all of these weird feelings of needing to focus on myself and make myself fulfilled. I feel like I lost alot of myself under all that weight and now that I am starting to re-emerge I am distancing myself from my husband. It is all so strange. Is anyone else feeling really emotional?
Yup!!!! That's one rollercoaster ride I fit on with no problem! I noticed myself being very emotionally volatile a couple of weeks ago. I almost felt pregnant the way my emotions were hijacking some days. (Don't worry, I'm not pregnant!) I'd feel all blue and weepy one day, then almost hyperactively happy the next. And more and more frequently I've been getting very...um...er...well...anxious to see my husband, if you get my drift.
I've been told it's because estrogen is stored in fat; so as the fat is burned away, excess amounts of hormones flood our systems causing that "mid-life crisis" feeling you described. Just hang on and try not to do anything you will regret later, particularly regarding your marriage.
(BTW, I have a good sense of humor about it today because I'm not feeling hijacked by my hormones at this particular moment.
But I understand there's definitely a negative side to this as well, and I empathize.)

ohhhh boy can i ever relate to this one.... the smallest things set me off, and everytime, i react differently... one minute i'm crying my eyes out, the next i'm ready to whoop up on the whole world... the next i'm estatic and bubbling over with joy.... i just do not get it... and sex drive.... there is none.... i want it, then in the middle of getting it, i decided, i am bored with it, and ready to do something else... yeah, its bad..... i pretty much avoid my husband as much as possible, not because if he comes near me i am liable to throw something at him, but because its not his fault, and i know this, and i dont want to subject him to the wrath of me on a really bad day lol my husband is deploying next month, and there are days where just the site of him sets me off... i need midol, or something... i dont even know if midol would help... i need some serious get happy drugs lol