WAAAHH! There goes my hair...
Well, it has begun. The last few days the hairbrush has just been full of hair. It's all over my shirt, the floor, the furniture, everywhere. Sigh. What a mess. I have really long hair, too, so it's getting wrapped around and around the vacuum cleaner brushes. I'm not worried about looking bald--I have enough hair for three people. It's just annoying to have the hair everywhere like this!
How long does this last, again? 3-4 months, I think someone said. Bleh. I may have to go get it cut before this is over.
My hair has been falling out for about 2 weeks now. Like you I have enough for 3 people. I have it short for now until I see how mauch I loss. I work with a couple of people who have been through this. They seemed to think it got better when you are able to take in the protien. So I have hit the protien shakes and bars asap after surgery. One girl cut her hair and wears a fall or hair piece for her long hair. Can't tell either. I have considered investing in one myself. Or a wig if I lose enough. I wonder if insurance will cover a wig since it is a medical cause.
I'm so sorry. I have been drinking and eating protein since my 8/17/04 surgery date, and so far, I've only noticed a little hair loss. My hair stylist mentioned that this would be about the time that I would start noticing it more....and that it would probably keep falling out until after the 6th or 7th month. (sigh).
She recommended a shampoo that was formulated for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. I cannot remember the name of it, but it does really clean better than what I was using. You can ask your local stylist what they recommend. I paid about $19 for a very big bottle of shampoo.
Keep getting that protein. I don't think it helps overnight, but it will help in time. Try the shampoo. Just keep your hair cut shorter (if you can) to keep the volume---and detract from the thinning.
~Laura H
I remembered to look at the name of my shampoo, and it's "Nioxin." Here's their website. Try it, and let me know if you get good results.
My hair loss has slowed down a little bit. I only shampoo once every other day (I don't repeat), and I condition heavily and comb through the conditioner before I rinse. That's when I notice the most hair loss.
I'm not losing "handfulls," but I have noticed a slight increase since August, when I had the surgery. But, I am getting compliments on my hair, so I don't think it's a big problem right now.
Hope you're doing OK.

Thanks, Laura. I'll see if the salon has some Nioxin next time I go. I can't feel a difference in the thickness of my hair yet--it still makes a pretty impressive ponytail. But there's quite a bit in the hairbrush and in the drain every day, and of course in the vacuum cleaner. It might be my imagination, but it seems like there's just a smidge less coming out each day. But I'm prepared for a couple of months or more since that's what most WLS veterans say they had. I'll let you know if the shampoo has any effect. It's pretty expensive, so I hope so!