WLS Moment
Last night I went to buy some clothes cause mine are all so big now... I went in the dressing room with several 16's and one 14... tried on all the 16's and they were all too big... I tried on the 14 and fit perfect..... I was so happy... from a tight 18/20 to a 14 petite....
I am only 5 foot tall so it is hard for me to buy pants.... but these were just right... and I bought a couple of blouses size 14... the last time I wore a 14 was 20 years ago....
The weight loss is slow but the inches are coming off....
I am down 40 in 2 months...
Just had to share...

Congrats, Debra!!!!! What a great feeling that must be. My size still doesn't seem to be changing much (mainly because I have a HUGE behind that is always the last thing to lose weight--it's like a camel's hump holding onto its fat!
), but the pounds have really been dropping the past few days. Remember when I was holding steady at about 38 pounds lost and concerned about it? Well, it's just a few days later and I'm down 46 pounds now! Woo-hoo! Getting close to 50--my first goal and the most I've ever lost at one time on a diet.
I seem to either lose pounds or inches, but not both at the same time. I've seen others make this same observation, too. I wonder why that happens?
Anyway, I'm very pleased for you Debra. Keep up the great work!
282/236/135 (100 to go!!!)