This is a two part ....
I am an Aug. 9th post op and Ive lost 49 pounds. The only problems that I have are some foods I can't tolerate and I
when I eat them. I do still get a bit of pain in my right side but not nearly as much now. I also struggle everyday to get in all my fluids and foods, just never hungry or thirsty.
No problem with the smell of foods but they aren't as enticing now and foods I used to love I have lost the craving for, like pizza.

I had my surgery on Aug.12th and have lost 36 pounds so far.I cant seem to tolerate any meat I can do chicken salad and a little bit of deli meats.Sometimes the smells of certain foods just arent appealing anymore to me,hopefully these things will pass in time.I just try and push my fluids in!!
Lisa J.
I had lap rny - on 8/24 I have lost 39 lbs and I haven't had the problemwith the smell as much as I am eating period. I to am struggling with getting in my protein and fluids. I am not having tropuble eating anything I can handle all meats. Fish is the only thing I can't eat yet. I haven't tried in aboiut two weeks but will try again. I have not gotten sick or anything at all. I get an uncomfprtable feeling if I eat the wrong thing but no nausea or vomitting.
Patty A
I am 8/12. I have lost 50lbs. I have had no problems yet, no nausea, no vomiting or dumping. I have not tried, nor will I try, anything fried or high in sugar. I get in at least 100g of protien per day. The only problem I had was cottage cheese. I LOVED cottage cheese before surgery, and now I gag at the thought of it, so I dont eat it anymore.