Surgery on August 30th....HELP!
Hello....I am 5 weeks out of surgery, down 39 pounds. I should be so happy. Instead I am miserable. I have been struggling with everything I have tried eating. The only thing I could get down with no after affects is Jello or a soup broth. I have not thrown up so that not the problem. What happens is that I get a feeling of nausa that stays with me for atleast an hour. I get weak and sometimes cannot even stand up. I have to lay down immediatly. This isn't a possible life style especially since I have a 5 month old son to take care of. I've gotten to the point where I don't want to eat anything because of that feeling I get 90% of the time. I have tried eating eggs, chicken, soups. Im sick of protein drinks, jello. Water even sometimes makes me sick. I know I am not getting even close to the amount of water or protein I should be intaking. Anything that anyone could tell me would be helpful. The weight loss has made me very happy, but the thought of food makes me sick. I know that this shouldn't be happening. I went to see a nutritionist yesterday about my problem. She said to try to introduce a new food once a week. Maybe my body is just having a tuff time breaking down the foods. I try to chew well and eat slow, but nothing seems to help. Thanks for listening.
ok, today is 10-7-04 roughly 5 weeks out. Weight now 250 even.....I too had the surgery on 8-30-04 & was nauseous in the beginning. I was told by one of the nurses (and the book/guide mentions it also) that anti-nausea meds may be required to break the nausea cycle. Talk to the doctor or their nurses to see what they think.
Hi Lisa, I too am 5 weeks out and lost 33 pounds. I am sorry you are having difficulty with the foods you eat. Best advise is to follow your MD's and nutritionist advice. I have been very fortunate with food. The one and only time I can honestly say I got sick was when I was 1 week out and had a egg and toast for breakfast, sick all day. At this point I can eat anything (within moderation of course) with no ill effects. Even though most foods do not appeal to me, because I am never hungry, I still try to eat 3 meals a day with protein in between. I have to say, the protein shakes are awful, even though I still drink them occassionally, I have been eating protein bars in place of them. Water is easy for me, I always enjoyed water. Have you tried chili as a meal, high in protein, I also like to have a piece of cheese. What I have discovered is if food is high in fat, or prepared in it, I do get the runs. (Could be my way of dumping). Fortunately I am wise enough to know to stay away from these most of the time. Sugar does not bother me. Many say they dump with sugar, but my nutritionist said that is not true for everyone....I don't know if I should consider myself lucky with this, or it is not a good thing. I do eat slow, but then again, I never was a fast eater. I wish you the best, and hope you find foods that agree with you. My PA said to try different foods, and if it doesn't agree with you, try it again a week later. I did that with the egg and toast. I also find that foods on the bland side were going down easier at first also.
Best Wishes...Susan WNY
Hi Lisa,
I had my surgery on 8/30 and do identify with what you're experiencing. Have you talked to your doc about this, if not, u definitely should and nausea med's may be needed. I was at the point last week of literally not eating or consuming anything because I hated the thought of being nauseous, getting weird sweats, and I also vomited (not food, but foamy stuff). This week, I've tried eating soups in moderation, and they've stayed down pretty well. The lack of protein for me was the main culprit of the dizzy spells and now force it down my throat with LOTS of ice...protein is your source of energy, without it, the dizziness/nausea may continue. Some pouches pick up to our choices in food faster and easier than others, others (like mine and yours) do not. Just eat slowly, give your pouch time to react to it, and just take it slow. Eventually, our pouches will get the point