I have made a horrible discovery...
Dear Nancy
First,I have to commend you on your bravery. I am so afraid of dumping I really limit my food intake to foods I know will not make me ill. I have been eating cottage cheese and fruit every day. Foods that have less than 5gms of sugar shouldn't make you dump but the fat content can....you know the rest. I think a weight loss of 37 lbs in 7 weeks is very respectable. Just remember why you have wls and everything will fall into place. Be careful with the Cheetos they can be deadly

Dear Nancy
I just came from my diet class on the 3rd of OCT.and I have a story to tell you. if you took the cheetos and smashed them into small crumbs and then pu****er into them what would you get? power and what happens when you put that into a funnel it just goes through. Then you are hungry again. You are not thinking girl you want to loose weight not gain. When you get to your goal you can do that a little. Also be aware of the alcohol sugars they are very bad. there are 4 of them. Chech with you diet person on that cause you should only have 2-3 oz of them. I hope this was some help and good luck.
My surgery is the 25 of OCT.

I found that I can tolerate WOW Light Tostitos and graham crackers much better than I can chicken or tuna or any other meat. My dietician said that it's very normal to be able to digest these crunchy carbs easier than proteins at this point out. I've added small amounts of these to my diet, but always follow "Protein First" rule. I'm afraid of the risk that they'll trigger a binge, so I am very careful on consumption.