I finally got out of it...this is my third stall in 7 weeks.
Here is what I did.
I upped my protein to 90 a day. a shake in the morning and one right before bed. I use the nectar shake, it has 23 grams in it.
I upped my food to 650 calories, 20-30 carbs and less than 20 fat. I went from 259 to 255 since Monday. I am out of the plateau! Yeah!
My home scale is evil. I try to only trust the doc's.
I have upped my calorie intake (or trying to) from 600-900 to 800-1000, heck, I may go as high as 1200. I am fairly certain that after the intitial shock of having so little calories and losing weight fast, by body realizes it is starving. Prior to this, when I ate 1900-2100 calories, I could lose 3-7 pounds per week.
I have also committed to more regular exercise. I haven't had the energy until last week. I think I did something 3x last week. This week, I have re-committed to doing at least 5 sessions of something.
It may seem like it is slow, but when I think 45 pounds in 9 weeks is great.
I am on that darn see saw too! I blame it on the huricains and the drop in barimetric pressure LOL. no I have had a bad flu and then a cold to top it off my montly friend was 9 long days of hell. I think my body says woAH! I am -about 35# depening on how many times a day I want to weight myself!!..I am no longer a glutten well, only for punishment ! Be well! KImw
My WLS was on 8-3. I've dropped 37 pounds, with most in the first few weeks. Over the past 3 weeks its only been 1-2 pounds per week. Kicked up my excercise routine and don't feel like I could eat any less. The doctor says this is normal and not to get concerned, but I am anyway. I want it to keep melting away and stay on track.
I am eating "normal" foods (low carbs, some fruits & veggies, hamburger) and haven't gotten sick once. Guess that I should consider myself lucky when compared to some other stories I see.