Pain again
I am 2 weeks post op. Every thing was going great, until a few days ago. I think I pulled the muscle beside my belly button. It hurts just as bad or worse than the day after the surgery. Has this happened to anyone else. I can still only eat really mushy or soft food. It hurts. I thought I was doing great but I guess I am not as well as I thought
You should probably call your Dr and make sure that its nothing to be concerned about. Although I had a pain around my belly button area too and it did eventually go away. I usually, for some strange reason, had it after I had been sitting in the van for any length of time. Walking seemed to help.
Not sure if your procedure was Open or Lap, but most likely this applies in either case:
In my second week I was sure that something inside me was TORN, or BROKEN, or NOT ATTACHED. lol. I had Lap RNY and the pain from a couple of my incisions (the side ones mostly) was enough to take my breath away if I moved just a little the wrong way. I of course immediately asked my surgeon and he ASSURED me (even drew me a diagram of the stitches they use to close the large holes near the belly button) that it was due to stretching and pulling on the healing abdominal muscles, and that nothing could be done for it other than to 1) Bear with it, and 2) Try not to overdo it, knowing that the areas were healing.
Hope that helps! But if you have ANY concerns that it's serious, please do contact your surgeon...I'm not a Doc.

I am 3 weeks post op now.. I did have pain like you at about the same time... My dr said not to worry because it was the muscles healing.. My pain would move from side to side.. I have not had pain on my left side for a few days.. I do have it on my right side now when I have done too much or something I really shouldnt have done... It is not near as bad as it was at first...
I hope you get to feeling better...
Victoria, I Too had surgery on August the 23. All of the pain fron my incisions had went away by last week, And I was finally able to sleep comfortably, Then last friday as I was colling dinner for the family, I bent down to get a pot, very slowly mind you and I felt something rip on my left side, it hurt for a minute then went away, then later that evening, i did it again and felt the rip, after taht I had alot of pain the same paidn as right after the surgery. still having the pain now a little. but I was told that I probably just torn some of the muscles they had to cut thorough, well duh, I heard/felt then rip ( that is something you don't forget} and I was told to be really careful. Hope you are feeling better/.