too tired!
Hi all!
I am 2 weeks post-op and feeling great! My only problem seems to be that I wear out really fast. I want to go back to work in a couple of weeks and I just worry that I won't last for 8 hours on my feet. I start to get physically tired, weak and then I break into a sweat. Is it normal to lack this much energy?
Nancy A

It is normal to be this tired after surgery. Your body has a lot of healing to do. At this stage I was napping every aft for an hour or so. I am now 5 weeks out and while my energy hasn't yet returned 100% I no longer need a nap and am back to work. I wonder if you could start back 4 hours a day for a few days till you back into the swing of it.
At my 2 week post op today they told me to expect to start feeling fatigued.
They said that it is a normal reaction for your body having adjusted to the "starvation mode" and should last for 1-2 weeks usually between weeks 3 and 4 post op. By week 4 you are able to pretty much eat anything you can tolerate (of course staying within their recommended guidelines) so your body adjusts again and you regain your energy.
Hang in there girl!
Teresa T

Thanks, Teresa!
I really thought that I just wasn't moving around enough to stimulate my metabolism-I read about so many others walking and charging back into life. I just want to go back to bed sometimes (although I have insomnia now also). The idea of being in "starvation mode" makes a lot of sense. Not eating for almost 14 days would, I guess, convince the body that it was starving!
Thanks for your kind help and best of luck to you!!
Nancy A
p.s.I'm hanging, I just hope not too much!