2 week follow up appt!
I had my 2 week follow up appointment and I am down 18 pounds. I cannot believe it. I am ecstatic! I have been cleared to chew my own food (YAY!) The doctor said I am making all the right food and vitamin decisions. Also I walked 2 miles last night and 2 miles this morning. I am doing good. I plan to walk 2 miles 5 days a week. When I get down some more I plan on jogging. Cannot wait to see more results. Good Luck to all!

Hey Marianne!
8/30 also here....glad to hear you're doing soooo well. I just started my 1mile a day routine, and actually did 2 today, which is was so hyped about!
I'm down 17lbs...right behind ya! I weigh myself everyday, which sucks, since i want it to go faster, but then again 17lbs in 2wks!!!! lol. Can't wait till the lbs. start going down on the scale even further.
What did youd doc said was okay to eat, since you said that he ok'd chewing food...? I just started soups, cream soups, etc..but admit to cheating. I've had soups since last week, and other bites of food, just needed to feel human...the liquid diet was kickin' my butt.
take care,

Marianne, I was 2 weeks post op on 9/14 as well. I lost 19.5 lbs. and was thrilled. Actually had a dream where I was the only person who had surgery and still couldn't lose weight. What a nightmare. Did you have open surgery? I did and the possibility of walking even 1/2 mile seems exhausting. Were you a walker before? I wish you continued success. Reva