Ok I have sort of an embaressing question? I also apologize upfront
if this is offensive to anyone.
I will be one month post op on Sunday- and I have a terrible time
with having a ton of air or gas in my pouch/tummy.
Its like I have air pockets, and no matter how much Pepcid I chew or
gas X, the air is still there. It appears to me that depending on the
day, or what goes in, will determine the magnitude and strength of
the burps.
I have ordered some Riopan plus, they did not carry it here at my pharmacy to see if that will help.....
I was doing great post op with my fluids and protein drinks. About
1.5 weeks ago this came to a screeching hault. Now, when I try to
drink my water, it hits these air pockets and projectiles out.
Same as the protein shakes. I am having a battle so to speak with my pouch to make sure that I keep trying to get fluids in as I am not ready to
become a boarder at DeKalb Medical again.
I am finding that these air pockets are now one of the main reasons
why I am having difficulty ingesting anything. When I swallow, if it
hits the air pocket, it produces a series of burps that eventually
will cause one of two things.
1. Projectile forces of all ingested items
2. Gagging and vomitting
Has anyone else experienced this? I have an appt withmy surgeon on the 22nd..I was just wondering if anyone else had this?

I'm having the same problem. Major air pockets but I've been lucky so far and haven't actually thrown up. I just belch constantly when I eat or drink anything. I am currently only 2 weeks post op and am really hoping that this will go away. When I asked my Dr.'s PA about it, she said that I was probably swallowing air when I swallow.
Denise, that is not an embarrassing question at all. I am 4 weeks 4 days post op. I have been having this same problem for a couple weeks. And the worst thing is that the burps have a horrible taste like metallic or something. I have tried pepcid complete and tums. Nothing seems to help. If anyone knows how to prevent this, I would also love to know.

Nice to know that you're not alone! I am a little over two weeks out and I burp with anything that goes in. Not right away, though. My guess is that when the food is leaving the pouch, that's when I begin burping. I can feel the air in my intestines and despite the weight that I have lost already, my stomach looks like I am 5 months pregnant. Some days are better than others, but it's definitely an issue.
I asked in the hospital and was told that this was perfectly normal and it would go away. The nures said the worse thing to do was to try and suppress it - you need to get it out!