Surgery is coming up soon:)
Carla G.
on 9/7/04 4:38 am
on 9/7/04 4:38 am
Hi everyone, I am a newbie! I am scheduled to have my surgery on September 15th. I am excited and nervous. I know I have a great doctor and I am very confident in him. Sometimes I read the bad stories and think Oh my what if that happens to me? I just worry about my 2 beautiful children and husband. Sometimes people say things in reference to the surgery, kinda in a sense that I am being selfish, what about them if something goes wrong? I think alot of moms probably have felt this way. I look at it from the brighter side, that I am going to be fine, and I will be able to run, jump and play with my babies!! They are 3 and 6 and full of energy!
I have to have my thyroid retested on Wednesday this week (cause my levels were extremely high) I take 175 mcg's of med already for my thyroid. And Thursday I have to have another EKG and stress test, because of my mitral valve prolapse I have an irrugular heart beat and need a clearance letter from the cardiologist. Anyone else ever had this happen to them? I hope all my test go great and I get my surgery as planned and can get on with my healthy new life.
I order some internal deodorant chewable pills that are suppose to taste like banana, I keep reading that alot of people have a yucky taste in there mouth. Does anyone know if this will help? Anything I need to do in my last 8 days before my surgery to help prepare? Besides a lot of praying
I hope to be up and going at least a week after my surgery, is this possible?? I want to feel good, and not miss a beat!
Thanks alot for any words of wisdom

Congrats on your surgery date. I also have a prolapsed mitral valve. I had to have an ekg and echogram before surgery. All they did was make sure that I was on penicillan during surgery to make sure there was no infection. Make sure that you have all your food supplies prior to going to the hospital. I didn't do this and was running around trying to find things at the grocery stores the day after I got home.
Best wishes
God bless you and keep you while you prepare for surgery. At my doctors office everyone has to see a cardiologist, I needed the echocardiogram too. I was so afraid thatthe answer would be no. But as the cardiologist explained to me. The bigger risk was not taking off the weight.
Don't let the nay-sayers get to you. THe surgeon is just preparing for all contingencies while he does the surgery.
In answer to your question about being up and about 1 week after surgery. I had an open RNY and while I felt sore when I left the hospital and not in much pain. I was not up and about in a week and I did miss a couple of beats along the way.
Try to have someone available to help with the kids while you're recovering. This is not the timeto be 'supermom'. This is the time to take care of yourself, even pamper yourself, if you feel like it. Your body has been rearranged from the inside out and you need to respect your body for that.
Anyway, I feel like I sound preachy. I'm sorry if I do. I just want you have the best experiience possible.
God bless you and a quick recovery.
hey carla, if anyone was overly worried about the surgery it was me, i even went as far as writing out a death letter and having it notorized. i am here to tell you that the doctors really know what they are doing and if your cardiologist says she looks great for surgery then go for it. i stayed up nights crying staring at my two children and thinking the same way you are right now listen to me, do not put any negative energy or thoughts into this surgery and you are not being selfish. i was told the very same things and told by my friends that i probably wan't make it and blah blah blah.......... i am ok and i just had my surgery aug 30 and you will be in pain from the surgery, but you will wake up and you will see you kids and husband. and anyone that tells you that you are being selfish are either jealous you are having surgery or have not ever been overweight to know how it feels to live like us from day to day. now and until the day you have surgery stay with the people who support you through this surgery and do not listen to anyone with negativity. congrats on your upcoming surgery and just remember every surgery is major and has risk. a c-section is major surgery. see i didn't think that was major. for some reason i just thought this surgery would be the end of me. i promise you, you will get more prayers and love from everyone on this site and if you ever need anyone just get on here and call out for help. everybody on here has been a blessing to me from 6:00 in the morning til
2:00 in the morning. everythings going to be ok and you will be able to do all the things that you want to with your kids. good luck. mandi of rockwell nc
i couldn't agree more with what every one is telling big fear of death didn't come until my last day at work before surgery..I left farewell messages on eveyone's emails at work...JUST I CASE...sent a letter to my ex husband with explict instructions on what to do with my kids (who are 15 & 17) because he lives in Fla. I told him that just in case he better get his butt back here asap...I must have scared him because he called the hospital the day of surgery to see if I was Ok....even went as far to tell him some nice is probally what scared your going thropugh everyone does at one level or another...its only human!!!! The nay-sayers are ignorant of the details and outcome of surgery...and some are just jealous....even my own sister was a nay-sayer...oh well her problem...think there was a litlle underlying problem with her cuz she was always the thin one, by brother and I were the heavy will do fine.....and you will begin to feel better in no tiem...just follow Drs orders to a t....your Morphine pump is your best friend...USE IT!!!!!!.........can't wait until you join us on the other side!!!
Barb lap rny-8/23/04 -27#'s

Carla G.
on 9/20/04 12:53 am
on 9/20/04 12:53 am
Hi EVeryone! Thank you for all the wonderful words that you all sent me! I just got my messages, I lost my password to get on my profile
I wanted to let you all know I made threw the surgery with no problems. Dr. Halmi is wonderful! I went in Wednesday morning 9/15 ( I was up walking 3 hours after my surgery
)and came home on 9/18 Saturday afternoon. I was really lucky to have a walking buddy across the hall with me from Dr. Halmi's office
I am feeling pretty good, I go walking and I seem to be tolerating the pain really well (i am only on liquid tylenol), it isn't as bad as I thought it would be at all. I was a little bit weary the first couple of days in the hospital wondering if I did the right thing, just because I was uncomfortable and the whole change of food, and the way of taking medication. It is definitely a change of life. I was a little upset yesterday because I am an active person and have to children to keep up with and I don't like to depend on my husband and family to do everything. But my husband reasurred me it is only temporary that you will be under the weather. I also see good food that I use to eat and I think, OH my... I wont have that ever again. Is this normal? I am not hungry and do not crave it, it was just a really bad habit that I had
But I guess this is all feeling that are to be exspected? From what I have read before I had my surgery. Anyone else have any of these issues once they were done there surgery? I feel good, I have NOT been sick feeling and purreed food goes down great. I can't understand how I am going to get 64 oz of water in right now. It is almost impossible. Sorry for the lengthy write up, but I was just wondering if anyone else had these feelings? Oh yeah, the greatest note of all I have lost 13 lbs!! YIPPY! I am so greatful for a successful surgery! Thank you all again for your prayers and encouraging words! You all are the greatest support