question about sleeping??????
Hey everyone.....has any new post ops have trouble sleeping at night? I don't mean because of pain....I just wide awake until about 3:30am or sometime later..I take my pain medicaion at night only to help me sleep and for some soreness by the end of the night, but it is like I get this big burst of energy or something..then I sleep until about 11 am....not a good thing because I want to return to work next week. Any thoughts or suggestions????

I am 4 weeks post op and still not sleeping through the night... even taking ambien.... I am awake most of the night I do get up at 6 in the am... I am returning to work in another week... I am taking 6 weeks off... so next week I need to get my sleep back to normal....
Today I did stay in bed till 9:30
I only sleep about 3 hours per night in bed. I do nap in the afternoon for about 2 hours, but sleep is a real problem. I am back to work for a few hours a day, but I get real tired by 2pm. I guess our systems are so whacked out that everything takes time to go back to normal. Good luck to you all.
Hi Barb,
had my surgery on the same day. Open RNY and YES I am having loads of trouble sleeping.
I am a belly sleeper
though and didn't no if that may have something to do with it. Went to the Dr. today and he said its insomnia and most post ops go through this. My pain meds just make me feel dopey but still cant sleep. Oh well this to I guesss will pass. On the good side, the weighed me today and I have lost 23 lbs in 2 weeks. YEAH!!!!
Good luck Barb and stay in touch. Becky

thanks everyone for letting me know i am not the only one setting up all night wide awake!!!! As you all said I guess this too will pass....I have already had trouble sleeping and have for a long time but this is twice as bad....i guess I can deal because I really don't feel tired at all during the day(sleepy that is) soooo hopefully when I go to work next week I will do ok.

Hello Barb:
Had my surgery 8/16/04 and while at the hospital, was able to sleep normal hours. Now that I am home, I wake up at 4:30 am (which is my normal time to arise), but by 2:30pm I am ready for a nap. While I only want to sleep for no more than 30 minutes, I find myself sleeping for 2 hours. Then around 10:00pm I am getting sleepy once again, but at 2:30am, I am wide awake. It appears that my sleep pattern is totally messed up.
I will be going back to work in 4 weeks so I am hoping that I will be able to sleep through the night soon.
I really can't give you any suggestions, but I wish you the best.
Hey Everyone...
My surgery was on Aug 19th and I wore a binder for the first week so I can sleep without discomfort. I tried not to take the pain medication because it can make you constipated and make matters worse. But the binder kept everything in place so that when I sleep nothing moves. Its great.