I am home and starting to recover!
Hi all,
I had Lap RNY on 08/23/04. I came home on 08/25/04. I am doing well. I have gotten a small infection in the drain tube site, but my doctor is looking after it closely and has me taking medicine to prevent it getting worse. The infection is on the inside of my belly. Not sure what caused it but the point is that it is getting better. I go back to see Dr. Porter tomorrow and he will take the drain tube out. Thank GOD! I am living off of sugar-free popsicles right now. My new stomach doesn't tolerate much else. I have been on the Phase two diet in out program which is clear liquids. I have already lost 22 pounds. Left the hosital at 345 pounds and weighed in on 08/29/04 at 323. At this rate I will be under 300 pounds in another week or two for the first time in 7 years. I have no regrets. I am so happy that I did this. Best decision I have ever made.