WLS Cancelled Again!!!
Hey All,
I have been getting a lot of messages wishing me luck for my surgery scheduled for 8/25. I wanted to let everyone know that my surgery has been cancelled AGAIN!! I just flippin' want give up!! Before it was insurance issues, and the surgery was cancelled the day before it was supposed to happen. Well, this time, Dr. Sanderfer/Coon's office calls me for my pre-op appointment and tells me to be there Friday evening at 5:00p.m. Well, after sitting there for 2 hours, AND signing all the pre-op paperwork, Dr. Coon comes in and says, "Well, we've hit a glitch, and it's not a good glitch." How many "good glitches" are there??? Apparently, they found some funny things in the bloodwork that should have been ordered two months ago and they just had me do last week. My cortisol levels are very high, and don't go down over the course of the day as they are supposed to, and that is a possible marker for "Cushing's Disease." If you have WLS while you have Cushing's, the results can be very bad. So now, it's off to an endocrinologist next week for a CT Scan to search for a Cushing's tumor on my kidney.
Now, of course, those that are not supportive of me doing this are saying "Well obviously God doesn't want you to do this and He's going to keep putting things in your way." Well, I don't think God works that way, but hello, SHUT UP!
I am so devastated. I was so ready for this. Even more this time than last time. I also think that the Dr.
should have spoken to me on the phone instead of making us drive 60 miles for a five minute "sorry but we can't do it" appointment!
Sorry to let it all loose here, but I had to vent!
Blessings To All-Tonya

I am so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time getting things done. I have had difficulties along the way too and people told me that exact same thing about "maybe it's just not meant to be". Well, hang in there and don't give up!!!!
Keep smiling and think positive. I know it's hard, but things will work out!!