Clarification on Post-Respect What I am about to Say

I am sorry that you received some negative responses to your post. I think sometimes the older post ops forget the struggle they went through at the beginning. I know your problems are real and for some of us its not easy to get this thing going. I am at the stage now where over a week of creamed soups I can't bear to face another 1.4 cup of it. I am supposed to be on this creamed soup and yogurt for another two weeks then I can start the pureed. Even more depressing I stepped on the scale this morning and am up a pound after not losing for the last two days. It is definitely not an easy journey but we will make it. Hang in there.
I am so sorry that after all you went thru when you came to get support you were critized. I read your post but did not respond because I'm not quite there yet. I did say a prayer for you and greatly appreciated the information, because now I know if it happens to me I'm not
Thanks again for sharing your experience, I
, greatly respect, and appreciate you as well. Have a great week!

Dearest Denise
I am so sorry that you received some negative responses to your posting feelings are not good or bad they just are and I know that the purposes of this site is to give people 24/7 support that we just don't get from family, friends or the healthcare system. I had my surgery 8/9/04 and I had to be readmitted because of blood loss. I am currently struggling with taking in the protein, and eating even soft foods. The thing that is sustaining me is this forumn and whenever I feel overwhelmed I just go on line and it helps. Please continue to share your experiences. Alll of us who have had the surgery regardless of the amount of weight loss we achieved are not faliures. we identified a problem and and are works in progress in solving it.