any 8/17/04 post ops out there how are you doing?
Dear Lucy,
I am doing better this week. I saw my surgeon for my first week post op and he said all is well. When he operated he put the standard size band and it was very uncomfortable. Tight is the word I would use. I am down 22 lbs and feel like 122 lbs. It has made such a difference. I tried on some shorts last night that were and XL istead of 2 or 3 X. They fit and I bought them. 22 lbs does not seem like much to others but I can feel the differenced in inches.
As far as the insurance I did not have to pre qualify. Make sure you do not have to wait for the insurance to contact the Dr. Office. This was a 2 month wait that was unecessary. Call the insurance company. Is there any specific questions I can help with Lucy? Let me know I am here for you.
I was 8-17 and moving along at what seems to be a much slower pace then most here. I am still in some signficant discomfort and having trouble eating anyhting. I dump even on my vitamins! I am in the remoreseful stage and cried a lot today, however, I know God does not give me more then I can handle and I will make it through this stage. I just remember Lance Armstrong has many more stages in the Tour de France then I have here, so I can make it!
Best of luck to you , you sound so happy and that lifts me up!
I was so glad to read your post. I also had surgery 8/17 and am not jumping for joy like to other post-ops I read. I gianed 15 pounds in the hospital, water weight I'm told. I'm still in alot of pain, my hands and feet are so swollen, from water retention. I was glad to hear there is a remoreseful stage. Ever since I woke up I just can't believe that I did this to myself on purpose. Please stay in touch and let me know how you are making out.
Hugs, Heather
Hi Michelle
I also had surgery on 8/17!!
I had some minor complications...therefore sugery lasted a couple hours longer than expected!
However, I was released on 8/20 and I am doing pretty good.
Still in some pain, tired & can't seem to drink enough fluids.
I'm sure that it will all get better soon!
I go back to the surgeon's office on Tues 8/24 for my 1st post-op check-up and to have my drain removed! I cannot wait to get this thing out!! And...I also can't wait to see how much I've lost so far!
Sounds like you are doing well! That's great news!!
Best wishes & continued success to all!!,