Scared to Death
I am scheduled for surgery on 8/23/04, 1 day from now. I just started having crazy feelings today. Scared to Death. What if something goes wrong, who will take care of my children? What if I can't go back to work soon enough. My pay is main support of family. Will I be able to do what I have to? Will I be able to stick to the diet and lose like I want to? Will I really feel that much better? Just a head full of crazy thoughts.
My surgery is Monday also. email me and we will talk. i am not afraid. a friend had it yesterday. I will send you all the emails about how she is doing so you know what to expect. [email protected]
I am also 8/23 surgery...I started to have those thoughts..but i decided that I was just gonna take it one day at a time and deal with whatever cmes up as it does...i don't want to freak out about all the what ifs...i am planning on heading to surgery suite with only happy thoughts of being thin one day....and doing some marathon shopping!!!! You will do in your surgeons ability and leave it in gods hands....and go under anethesia tommorw in a "happy place" Good Luck to all of us 8/23"s and see ya all on the losing side!!!!!

The best thing you can do for yourself is to relax. Spend the rest of today doing things for yourself and resting. I was feeling the same as you. My girlfriend took me out for a manicure/pedicure the day before surgery and we just relaxed. I had my surgery not even two weeks ago now (8/11). Things were much better than I anticipated. I think I had anticipated the worst for so long that once it was over, it was easier than I expected. My only advice to you is walk as soon as you can. The sooner you walk the better you'll feel. Best of luck with everything! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Feel free to email me when you get home if you need to chat.
Keep Smiling! Heidi
I believe we all have those thoughts and feelings. I know I did. So fearful of not waking up and etc. Don't remember much about hospital stay, was in ICU with problems and etc. I even had same feelings and thoughts first week I was home. Fear of the unknown! It will get better as each day passes.
So for today, do something nice for yourself, be lazy, go to a movie, read a book, anything to care for "you". Love yourself today!
I wish you the best of luck. Marla
i had my surgery the 18th came home 21st i had lap . everybody asked me if i was scared ,yes a bit but i'm the one who asked to have this surgery,, the last thing i remebered was having an iv put in and then waking up in a done i was walking around that day ... please stay calm , don't worry you will be just fine
god be with you shirley
Hi Judi,
If you did not have these thoughts I would have thought you are
You will have no choice once the surgery is completed. It makes your body do what you need to do.
In life there are risks everyday. Even though I had complications, and was in ICU 5 days- look here I am almost two weeks later and I am ok.
God is good Judi, and thru him all things are possible. God will see you through. My
and prayers to you.