my date is 8/30
well i have 10 more days til my surgery, im no longer scared, in fact i feel very anxious.
i was talking to a good friend of mine, that works in the hospital where im getting my surgery and she told me "girl prepare yourself bcuz you're gonna be in alot of pain"
Well thanks Stac, go way to lift my spirits

I just got my surgery date today! I'm very nervous, excited, scared, everything all at once.
I have been in the Kaiser program for 2 years! I had a surgery date in January and 4 days before my surgery, the surgeon said I wasn't ready!!!!
So now, here I am again! Hoping he doesn't pull the plug on me this time. Worried a little about how I'm going to take all the time off work, but I'm so close now, I'm not giving up!
Everyone... take care and lets be there for each other

Hi guys,
Im here to say that i just got back from a bar, and as i sat at the bar a gentleman was sending me drinks, well anyways the gentleman came over and we started conversating. Well it so happens that the gentleman was a post-op and had lost 255 pounds, He looked great...we exchanged email addresses and he stated that he will be there for me all the way through....He really lifted my spirits
I am so ready for this, and a feel like a couple of days of pain and a few months of struggle is worth the lifetime of happiness and self- fufillment that is awaits me.....
Im going in on the 30th of this month at 6:00am