Any 8-23-04 Dates out there?
I got my pre-op admission done today. They only had to stick me twice. Do they only have the inexperienced in the lab for pre-op. Not only did they lose the first stick then she broke/bruised the second one. oh well.
Anyway the reason I'm posting is I am excited that I only have to due one enema and then drink 1.5 oz of phos stuff, not the gallon of junk. YEA, YEA!!!
I will be having my surgery at the Atlanta Medical Center. Right down town. I hope my room will have a view of the city scape with the high rise buidlings.
Anyway, Good luck to all on their journey over to the health side.
I am also having surgery the 23rd
! I am having mine at St vincent charity Hosp. in downtown Cleveland. Boy you have an easy prep, I am getting lap ryn done , and i have 2 days of clear liguids and 2 days of bowel prep, now I ask is that fair
lol!! good luck to you and all other 23rds out there
I can't wait to get to the other side!!!!!!!

Hi...I also am scheduled for the same day at 8 am in the morning. I am in the west so I will be later than you.
Im happy to say that I dont have to do an enema (not bragging really) but do have to follow liquid diets for two days before the surgery. I am having the VBG so that may be why.
Anyway I look forward to hearing how you did after your surgery. I am trying real hard to keep my postings updated because it has been invaluable to me to hear what to expect after surgery and these women on here have been wonderful in keeping me informed. I am excited for you and for me. So see you on the losing side as they say!!