Well, I'm home!!
I made it. Thats about all I can say!!!
Seriously, it was pretty rough. I had some major internal bleeding and ended up getting 8 pints of blood and 6 of plasma. At one point my BP was 71/23 and I was so weak I could not lift 1 finger and I could feel myself fading away. Not a good feeling! My surgery was Wednesday the 11th and I came home on Saturday after much begging! I am still in pain, can't really get up and down by myself, and am so weak I can't stand it but I'm getting better every day.

Hi Lisa,What an ordeal! im so sorry about all those transfussions. my blood count was criticaly low and i refused a transfussion. my b/p was 80/40 . i know that is why im still weak. if i could get some chlorphyll or fresh carrott juice that would pump up my RBC'S . Take it one day at a time. walk when you can and rest when you have to. there is a light at the end of this tunnel. All the Best!