Need Some Encouragment.....
Hi everyone, My surgery is this Friday August 20th and i am getting so very nervous. I woke up last night a 2:30 in the morning and could not go back to sleep. I started thinking about my kids and how much i love them and i ended up crying like a baby
.....I prayed to God for peace....I am just so nervous of leaving my babies behind should something happen to me. I am so darn nervous...I don't want to back out at the last minute because i know that i will be miserable for the rest of my life....I am so mad at myself for being fat...and having to have a surgery to use as a tool just to loose the weight...I have all of these thoughts going through my head....I go to see my surgeon today and i have a list of questions ready to ask him....Hopefully after talking to him i will feel more at ease but as for right now i feel like i am ready to jump out of my skin..
...Please keep me in your prayers.....Thanks

Did you select a competent surgeon? Are you aware of the risks and benefits of the surgery through self-education? If yes, then it's time to put the matter into God's hands. I, too, have small children and have gone through the same thought process as you. I finally realized that ultimately I need to have faith and that when God says it's "my time" it will happen no matter what. Focus on the positives and your bright future... and pray for strength. You're worth it and so are your kids. Part of my reason for having the surgery is so I can particpate in their lives more. God bless. You'll probably feel much better after you go over your questions with your surgeon. I sure did. (((hugs)))
Someone told me the week or so before surgery... ""Would be an emotional roller coaster"".... How true those words are! Sounds like you are on that ride now...I can understand your worries about your babies... worried about mine and they are grown with babies of their I had two sets of babies to worry about..haha... But it is quite normal to doubt and worry about things... Talk to your physican or a friend ..can help to get those worries out in the open & talking helps to deal with them...I kept telling myself I could back out even while I was in the surgery preop... but I didn;t ...My surgery was the 9th..Came home the 11th ... doing well...and so will you... You are younger & should heal even faster...Think of how much more energy you will have to spend with your babies..Focus on the positive outcome for you & your family.....And do what the physican tells you and all will be well....
Well, I am only 12 days Post-Op, but I will just share with you a few of the great things that some of the wonderful people here on this site shared with me when I was pre-op.
1. Gastric Bypas Surgery has the same fatality rate as knee surgery...less then 1% or so. For me that helped sort of bring it all into perspective from a medical standpoint.
2. People who are 100lbs overweight or more only have a 2% chance of loosing the weight through diet and excercize alone. So you can stop being mad at yourself for not being able to do it alone.
I hope that helps. I can tell you that the first few days are the hardest, but that each day gets dramatically better then the last for me. I am already back to work full time, and I have already lost close to under two weeks!! I am so happy, and grateful for this new chance to live and enjoy life. By this time next year I will be at the beach/pool/waterpark with my son, having the time of our more hiding under big clothers and black pants.
Feel free to write any time, and keep comming back to the boards. This website is the best tool I have found for support, before during, and after surgery. Good Luck to you!!!

I had some of the feelings you have, I'm a single mom and have a four year old. All my life I've had bad feelings, but with the support of good friends and new friends you'll make here, your feelings and worries will be put to ease. Keep you head up and hug you babies and you'll know it's all going to be worth Jenn (8/24 only 7 days left for me)

Hi Denise,
I just want you to know you are not alone. I am scheduled for surgery August 24th. I cried and cried on sunday for the same reasons. I think it is normal to feel this way and just try to stay positive and think about all the things that CAN go right and not the ones that can go wrong. If you didn;t have fears and negative thoughtsa that is when I worry about you . We are only being humand. Please let me know how you are doing after the surgery. I will say an extra prayer for you.
It's all SOOO PERFECTLY NORMAL. If you read my profile it shows that I felt the same way. I wanted to jump of the table while waiting for the surgery to start.. but I didn't and I'm so happy. #1 thing.. have confidence in your surgeon.. if they are some whom you trust whole heartedly then trust your decision. Remember it's already been made, don't let fear win out!!! Someone posted this verse on my support page and I held to it with all my heart.. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." God wrote that promise for you too. If you've been seeking him in this decision, he'll be there to see you through. I know it's hard to grasp when you're afraid. But it's TRUE. You'll definitely be in my prayers.