Hi Alma...
I'm wondering why you ask? I haven't heard of it myself, aside from having a lap band and being able to expand it to a bigger length.
I ask why you ask because I saw that you just had yours on the 9th....would you do it over again or do you have any regrets? I'll be having mine on the 30th and wondering your input
take care.

Alma, sweetie,
Are you okay? Are you wondering for yourself or just curious?
The previous poster, Lourdes, was WRONG that gastric bypass can never be reversed. Lourdes, please don't make statements that aren't true. It is correct that the lap-band can be removed with no problems, but it is entirely FALSE that the RNY can not be reversed. They can be. However, it is only in extreme cases. If you are having serious medical issues due to the surgery, it is possible to reverse it. But it is risky. Very risky.
Pretty much, what I was told, was that when you go in for gastric bypass, you go in with the notion that it is forever.
Alma, sweetie, e-mail me sometime if you ever want to talk. I understand what you are going through, especially because we are so close in surgery dates.
Hi Alma!
My surgeon told me that the RNY is totally reversable, but is only meant to be for extreme cases.
When I was 9 days post-op, I was suffering from severe head hunger. For the first time in my life, food commercials (aka food porn) were getting to me. I was getting angry and upse****ching my family actually CHEWING their food. After a couple of days, it let up.
Today I am 2 weeks post-op and having the reversal done is the farthest thing from my mind! It just takes a lot of patience to get through the feelings of "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"
An online buddy (who had WLS almost 2 years ago) reassured me that I didn't go through this to never eat the things I love again. She reminded me that it was still the early days and that in no time, I'll be able to eat my favorite pizza again; only now... I'll be full after 1 slice.
I hope you're doing better today.
There is a book available on called I want to live again, and it is about a woman who had her surgery reversed. if you are on the line about what kind of surgery you want, or just deciding if you want to go through with it, i recommend that you get it to read as part of your research.
Hi Alma...I have an aunt who had her bypass reversed five years after it was initially done. I don't know all the reasons why, but she was sick alot and couldn't keep any food down. But prior to this, she was ecstatic about her bypass loss. Now I am scheduled to have mine on Sept 7. I researched the pro's and con's and the pro's won, even knowing that my own aunt almost died. But my children and grandchildren are what prompt me to wanting to LIVE and my health isn't getting any better with all the other DIET plans. My Diabetes complications scare me more than the surgery does.
Anyway, keep the faith and look at this as being in for the long haul. Knowing that it can be reversed can be comforting, but don't plan on it. PLAN on eating right, exercising, and getting involved in life.
Remember, there are lots of us out here to lean on.