Pre-OP and Feeling Anxious
When my surgeons assistant called me to give me my surgery date I got nervous...I know this is what I want to do but why did I feel this way...any way she called me last week to come to a support group and it was amazing because there was someone there that did not like the results of their surgery and there was someone who had the surgery almost 20 years ago...not that I am waiting I feel so anxious...I can't even sleep at many others feel this way?
Hi Marsha:
I am pre op waiting on insurance approval to get a date and have not talked to a surgeon as of yet. I share your same feelings of anxiousness. I have always been a night person but lately I am finding it very difficult to sleep. I am so excited with anticipation of wanting everything to be over and nervous about the discomforts that come along with surgery for a person my size. I'm trying to stay as calm as possible so that when I actually get the news of my approval I don't pass out.
I thank GOD for OH and BAF because when I can't sleep I spend that time meeting new friends. This place is a wealth knowledge and there is always someone to encourage and some situation that needs to go before the LORD in prayer. Congratulations on receiving your date and I'm prayng that GOD calms us both down so we can
Take care,

It's all totally normal!!! You'll be fine. There are always going to be people who aren't going to be happy no matter what they do. If you didn't know the person you should take her complaints with a grain of salt. When I got my surgery day officially, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was so scared. It switched my mind set from thinking about doing it.. and that's a scary thing. But it's all going to be worth it for us in the end. I couldn't sleep either.. I felt like I had to say "goodbye" to everyone before surgery. Even though my doctor's mortality rate was less than 1:1000 I felt like I only had a 50/50 chance. Silly huh? If you want to read my profile you can.. it talks about the anxieties I had right before surgery too. But you know what? I'm DOING GREAT. And you will too. You just have to remember that the decisions have already been made and trust your judgement, not your fears. God Bless you and Good Luck. You'll do great. You'll be in my prayers.
08/06/04 open
As marsha said, it is totally normal. When I heard my date (8/30), i got nervous but the excitement has since drowned out the scared feelings. I was soooo anxious throughout my journey, which started back in april of this year. Finally, I am now 2weeks away and it hasnt hit me just yet how it is just around the corner. Overall, be excited, get involved in your new future, read profiles to know what will go on (Marsha's is a GREAT ONE...thanks marsha!!!!). The more you know about the procedure, what you'll be experiencing, and what to look forward to, the less nervous you'll be.