Need to know what to start buying
My doctor's office gave me a list of food for the first 6 months that I could eat. I bought the protein drinks for the first two weeks. (Isopure zero carb for the first week - from GNC & EAS Advant Edge for the second week - from Wal-Mart). I also went online and checked out the vitamins, etc. that were recommended by my doctor. I went ahead and ordered my B-12 and Coromega (Omega Fatty Acids) from They were the cheapest on Coromega I could find. Next I went to Bariatric Advantage and ordered their orange chewable multi-vitamin and some flavoring and nausea pops. I ordered my Tropical Oasis Calcium and Magnesium from There is also some good protein drinks, etc. at I've bought tons of crystal light, sf jello, chicken broth, sf popsicles,etc. Anything I can have to eat the first two weeks. I want everything here and waiting for me when I get home. My credit card has taken a big hit but I want to be prepared. My surgery is in 10 days and I can't wait. I'll probably go ahead and pack my bag this week to take to the hospital. Good luck to you and May God bless and keep you. Jeanette (8/25/04)
Hi Kelley-
My surgery is August 24th so I'm right with you - wondering what to buy. I'm making a list now: s/f jello, chicken broth, beef broth, s/f popsicles, crystal light, lip balm, recliner (from rental store), big gowns, Atkins protein shakes, Bariblend multi-vitamin, iron supplements, B-12, juiceplus, etc.
Good luck and God's Speed.
We have the same day! Good luck and speedy recovery! I was told to buy broths, s/f jellos, a book to read, a personal fan (some woman said they were very hot). A long wooden spoon and disposable feminine wipes( this is for when you need to go to the bathroom). A robe so that you can walk the hall. chap stick your lips will be very dry. If your doctor says it is ok use Listerine breath strips( some people said they had bad breath). Have s/f popcicles at home. I have bought Nectar-Fuzzle Naval and Roadside Lemonaide Protein powder. I think it is really good. This is all that I can think of right now. But, if I think of anymore I will email them to you.
God Bless you,

It's a very good idea to start shopping ahead for foods you will need when you get home. I didn't and am now running around trying to find the things I need. The dietician should give you a list of all the foods and vitamins you will need when you meet her before your surgery. As far as the hospital your lips will be very dry so lip balm is def something you might want to get. Also its very hot in the hospital a small fan is very refreshing. If you take any meds for high bp you might want to find out from your pharmacy if they have them in liquid form. My crushed hp pills are so vile I couldnt take them after, not even mixed with something.
You really dont need too much for the hospital other than personal care items, like toothpaste etc.
Good luck
Stock your frigderator with lots of WATER, unless you like it from the tap
. I've been drinking Muscle Milk, you can get it at GNC... it's pretty good. They say to stick to the basic flavors first since your tastes are going to change.. ie Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry. Make sure there's plenty of ice in the freezer because the protien shakes are the best ice cold. Gum is a big one.. some doctors don't allow it. But if you are allowed to bring gum. They say your taste changes on that too and 90% of people will like big it's a good one to start with. As for the hospital.. you might already know all this stuff, but lip balm, bring a back scratcher.. if you start your period (if you have a monthly cycle your 95% likely to get it one to three days after surgery) it helps reach where your sore tummy won't allow you to for the first 3/4 days. Bring your own pillow, and I would recommend buying a body pillow. I couldn't sleep the first night in my flat bed, but once I got that body pillow I snuggled it and slept like a baby, it really helps support that sore tummy and gives you somewhere to rest your arms. If you need anymore info.. I'd be happy to help, don't know exactly what you're looking for.
08/06/04 open

A good replacement for Chicken broth [which is VERY salty tasting] is to use Chicken Noodle soup [or Chicken and Stars, etc.] and then just strain off the soup portion. You can feed the remainder to family members or pets. It tastes a whole bunch better and isn't quite as salty.
G'Luck on Your Journey.....
DS on 08/31/2004 in Atlanta with Dr. Smith.