1 week to go - Oh my goodness!
This whole experience sometimes see so la-dee-da and other times it seems surreal. Every blue moon it really really hits me like "RENEE, YOU'RE REALLY GOING TO DO THIS AND IT'S LIKE ONE WEEK TO GO, GIRL!!!"
I am not really nervous or freaking out. I am really not a dramatic kind of person and I tend to try to look at this realistically but positively too. I have faith that God has things left out here for me to get done so I believe I will make it to the Losers Circle alive. So I am not getting the freak-outs about that.
But emotionally, this has been an usual last 2 weeks before the surgery. I find that everything bothers me. Little things that I would normally only react to moderately are sending me over the edge. I have very little patience for anything NOT related to the surgery and even the things related to the surgery are starting to get on my nerves because it's like it consumes everything in my life right now.
I feel like I'm living in a paradox of HEY EVERYONE! YEAH! I'M HAVING THE SURGERY/but then I don't want to be bothered with any one who isn't on the WLS journey. Then I am all over the things I need to have in place before the surgery/then I'm sick of it overshadowing everything else in my life.
I know that I really just need to calm down and be easy. Ride this end of the rollercoaster out and then just get grounded and pray on it and surrender.
Just making an observation about my internal journey that I wanted to share.

I have 6 days to go, and I'm feeling a lot like you are. Surreal!! What's it going to be like? Will I adjust OK? Do I really know what I got myself into? Those questions are there, but I'm just going through my week like nothing is really changed.
sounds like you have a great attitude!
Hang in there girlfriend!
Hey I guess I'm not
crazy after all...
... I am doing exactly what you say you have been doing!!!! I didn't think I was nervous but I really do feel like I am getting stressed out about it all. To top it all off the closer the surgery gets the more negative comments I am getting from people about the surgery when they sounded supportive before.
Which is not helping me one bit only making me more stressed and a little
pissed off (to put it bluntly)!!! Well now I guess I can put my feelings in perspective...thanks for letting us know yours!!!! good luck and we will all get thru this with flying colors
I have 10 days and counting!!!!!!

Hey Barb,
No, you are not crazy. I just think that when you are going through the process of surgery up until your final approval and pre-op testing, your mind is so occupied with all the details and appointments and worrying about approval, etc. Once all that is done, now what? We just play the wait game until surgery date. The mind wanders around and can go in some strange places sometimes.
As far as negative folks go! Oh please. My ex was like "so, you're really going to do this, huh?" Damn. Is THAT supposed to be supportive? Another male friend of mine halfway across the country asked me yesterday "so is there anything I can say to you to talk you out of this because I'm scared". I understand his fear but he doesn't need to throw that up on my shoulders right now.
Folks are a trip.
You have to be strong for your own self through this process and strong enough to fight against the negativity, ignorance and fear of others as well.
If I convert strength with dollars, I'd be one rich somebody!
But we will all be alright in the long run and I wish you much success in your journey!