Out of the Hospital and Doing Great!!
Hi Fellow Augusteers...
I'm sorry that I forgot to post here when I got out of the hospital on Monday.. but I am doing wonderful. There is a full account of my stay on my profile page. If you're fearing .. try not to. It's not bad. My best advice is that you keep a positive attitude. The girls who were at the hospital that had stinkin thinkin aren't recovering as well as those of us who are being up beat about our progress. If anyone has any questions drop me a line. I'd be more than happy to help anyone. I am still staying at the hospitality house across the street from the hospital so it may take a day to get back to you. Take care all and God bless. It's really not that bad.
Hi Angelina,
Just read your profile and what you've been through...What a journey, huh?
I'm having my surgery 8/30 and still hasnt hit me yet. I'm preparing myself, my boyfriend and family for my post-op recovery and just taking/testing out some protein powders. I wrote a letter to my boyfriend yesterday, a "good bye letter" in case anything happens. I read in your profile how you focused on your post-op time and totally feel I need to do that!
Thank you so much for all your info - it is very comforting to hear.
Norma g.