19 days til my "big day" and im so scared
I am 19 days away from my big day, and im mortified. im ready for my new life, but at the same time all i can think about is my 9 year old daughter. Im a single parent of a 9 yr old, and i have alot of faith that this surgery will go well, but in the back of my mind all i think about is "what if" am i the only one that is thinking this way? please help

i can understand, I go in on the 30th also and my daughter is 10 but I keep thinking to myself that if I don't do something will I be here in a few years? Will i get to see her graduate, go to college, get married? Will she continue on the path of obesity? She is already 20# overweight and that worries me as well. I hope I am doing the right thing, I know it will help my health in the future. I have to keep that in mind.
Mine too. I'm 54 yrs old so I hope I heal fast. I wish I would of had this done years ago, but I never really heard of it until a year or so ago. I hope we all have a speedy recovery. We should keep in touch so we can see how many tons of weight we will lose. Wouldn't it be nice to have a 1yr reunion where we could all meet?
I know exactly what you mean, I have two boys 10 and 14 and my youngest begged me not to have this surgery and I don't think I'm scared for me but for them if something should go wrong. That is by far the hardest thing to deal with about this surgery. but I have heard a good quote I keep going back to: If God brought you to this surgery, he will bring you thru it. And in the soon future our children will have moms who can run and play with them, and will with Gods blessing be around for a lot longer than if we did not have the surgery.
(sorry if this borders on Religious discussion)
Take Care,
hi Jeanette
i guess your right.
at least a couple of years from now my daughter will actuallu invite me to one of he school performances, she will be so proud of her mom.
She gets so much grief in school from her classmates due to my weight that i havent been up to her school for a conference nor an activity in 2 years. She doesnt mind my weight but i kinda feel bad that she has to defend me all the time from little kids that dont know any better.
I can totally sympathize with this...my daughter is 20# overweight but really active...I do go to visit her @ least 1x wkly for lunch at school....bcus the food is actually quite icky, I don't eat...her friends seem polite while there but I have heard comments to which she defends me. I am proud of her but don't want her to be embarrassed either.