So many posts, so little time!!
Hi to all my fellow Augusteers....
I am so sorry I don't have more time to post to everyone! There is so much going on leading up to surgery as everyone knows! But, I did want to take a minute to say congratulations to all of those who have already had the surgery. Don't forget to walk and like another poster said, is always a good idea to know the signs and symptoms of infection. As a person in the medical field, I can only say, if it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't! You know your body so call the doc anytime...he would rather see you at the beginning of a problem then midways!!
And for all those with upcoming surgeries, you also will be in my prayers for a safe journey to the new you! I look forward to my first post after my surgery on the 17th to say I am home and doing well!
Stay positive as you approach your day and keep the faith.