Anyone having a hard time sleeping???
Since I have been home (sat.) I have probably on gotten 4 hours of sleep... my back is killing me we have tried in a chair, pillows on the bed, sitting up, on the couch..... I use to sleep on my stomach all the time of course I cant right now since I have this drain tube and all these staples... once I do fall asleep I wake up sweaty and buring up... then I get up and move around and I am ok... just my lower back is where my pain is.....
I have not slept that well since I got home on Saturday either. Basically the same thing trying to stay on my back. I am using three or four pillows though to try to elevate my self more then usual. I have also found when I sleep it is a very light sleep so I hear any noise. I am sure it will get better in time.
Ginny M
You have had major surgery! Plus just laying on the table during surgery can leave a backache. Try not to nap in the daytime, keep check on your temp to be sure you are not getting sick. And hang in there. I had a different surgery, for a broken arm 7 weeks ago and was amazed at how much it hurt, now I hardly feel it. Good luck!
Carol S
I, too had a horrible time sleeping on just my back when I got home. I'd end up rotating between the bed and the couch. Then, I decided one night to put my binder on and try rolling over to my side just a little. That was the trick! I slept for two solid hours in that position and felt so rested! So, the next night, I put the binder on, rolled over towards my side and slept very well. Today, one week out, I can sleep on my side without the binder.
Good luck!
Foxy Baby Diva