What to take to hospital?
I'm having my RNY on 8/30/04 and just wondering WHAT i should take to the hospital. Ofcourse, I have the usual socks, undies, clothes, etc...but anything specific that you recent LOSERS
took to the hospital or figured out you SHOULD have taken once you were there. Words of wisdom from all of you would be priceless.

Something that I took was a wall plug in pear scent... made my room smell so nice and comforting.. the nurses kept asking what it was and that my room smelt so good....
I never got out of the hospital gown... was in that the whole time.... cell phone and charger... a list of people that should be called after your surgery... I made a list for my husband and he called my boss and told him that everything went well.... and gave him my room number....
Just go in knowing that this is a great thing....
Hi Norma -
I just got out, and I USED, my cellphone, the foot long tongs (97 cents at Walmart), flushable wipes, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrush, hair tie, a bottle of ready-to-drink clear fruit flavored no carb protein drink, hibicleans liquid soap (once I got to take a shower, I wanted as much sterility for my looooong incision) I knew I would need the convenience of a fresh clean gown each day, that could also accomodate iv's so I did NOT bring anything to wear except a satin robe for distance walking in the hospital.
The kept the fluids flowing full speed in my iv, so I never dried out, I didn't use or need lip balm, I had a foley catheter (which I couldn't even feel) for 2.5 days, soooo thankful I didn't have to go potty and wipe and the whold nine yards immediately. (I did not wear underwear the whold time in the hospital.) They kept me well doped too.
I wore a giant tent kind of dress, bra, panties and BIRKENSTOCKS. I love that I took those shoes, they were extremely comfortable and EASY to put on and off. No tying/untying. Since I only wore those for an hour to the hospital, I planned to and wore those home.
I did not read the book I brought.
Also, I did not take and keep with me anything I didn't think I might use or need; money, jewelry, make-up, identification, insurance card, NOTHING. No worries keeping up with them either!
Good Luck
Hi, Norma! Just got home on Friday, but haven't been able to come to computer until now. I'm feeling pretty good! ;) I took more things than I needed, but a few came in VERY helpful. Mother Nature decided to play a mean nasty trick and visit me the morning of the surgery
so, of course I took pads (these are a good idea anyway), extra underwear - may or may not use (I did), Flushable wipes (What a lifesaver!), Cell phone, card with important phone numbers on, and A POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!! My prayers are with you!
Good Luck and Best Wishes,

What I plan to take to the Hospital
I plan on taking the normal stuff for overnight
back scratcher- some meds can really make you itchy
a small fan - its hot hot hot.
chapstick-- everyone says out of everything its what they used most
wet wipes- Always good to have
Pads and such - sometimes people start early with the stress, trama or whatever
cell phone/ recharger and numbers- always a must
Easy slip on shoes - for those long walks
I read some of the list already so added some of the ideas . THANK YOU all. Here is one I just had to put on the list along with everyone's elses.
from Debra Flores -Something that I took was a wall plug in pear scent... made my room smell so nice and comforting.. the nurses kept asking what it was and that my room smelt so good....
SOME people need tongs or such to help with bathroom issues so if your one that might not be able to reach after surgery think about it.
Hope this helps.