An answer to Prayer!
Hello,just wanted to ask anyone who stumbles across this posting to pray for me. I need your prayers because I will be going to surgery on Aug. 11(2004) at 10 A.M. I am not scared but unsure of what to expect over all. The one thing I sure do have is an overwhelming amount of HOPE...
I thank God every day that I finally came to my senses and decided to have surgery. I won't babble on and on... just pray for me and I will keep you posted when I get home. Thanks a lot to everyone here at WLS, you are my new found family. Barbara J. Jones
Hey Barbara!!!
Of course prayers will be heading your way!! I just updated my profile... I had sx on 8/2... it gives the gruesome details!!! (kidding...)
I'm also an LPN working on my RN. It was interesting being a patient again. Saw a lot of really good and some not so good nursing during my stay! (That's OK... the one that was ignoring me paid for it in the end when I rang the call bell and her supervisor answered before she did!!! And no, I was not being a nuisance.... I literally rang the call bell only TWICE in 6 days!!!!)
Anyway.... just keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get into surgery and then out the hospital door.... it's very tiring, but I'm hoping well worth it!!! Very bizarre to get 90cc's in and be FULL!!! I can't wait to get back on FOOD though.... this liquid stuff is the pits...
Keep us posted on your progress!!!! Teri S

Hi Barbara: I pray right now that God will hold you in the hollow of his hand and guide the hands of all who attend you during your surgery. My surgery is on the 10th, so I know the feelings you are experiencing. Keep your focus on God, though. He's in control and sees the end from the beginning. May he bless you abundantly.
Sally G.
Dear Barbara,
You are in my prayers, my surgery is also scheduled for the 11th at 10:00AM. I am not scared either. Kind of at peace. Looking forward to buying new clothes and going on amusement park rides! Even though my kids are older now I told them I'm dragging them back to all the rides I didn't go on when they were younger!
God bless you and keep you safe. Hope we have uneventful surgeries and easy recoveries!