Pre op?? What to expect....
Well, I had my open RNY Monday 8/2. Here's how mine went...
Arrived at 9am and went right into anesthesia... they tried to put in an epidural but couldn't... so I had a PCA pump instead. Didn't seem to matter!
Don't remember anything after the epidural attempts until I got to recovery.... I remember the doctor telling me all went well and then I was asleep until I got to my room. I was in ICU for 2 days (just this hospital's policy for monitoring). I was actually up and walking Monday night, feeling like nothing had been done other than the incision pain. Tuesday I was walking a lot and dying for some water,(IV was keeping me hydrated, just wanted to sip something!) but not too uncomfortable. Wednesday was a bad day as the NG tube was making me gag and make so much spit I was constantly feeling like I had to clear my throat. I told my DH not to visit that day as I was pretty miserable!!!! But by Thursday I was ready for the leak test.... They had me stand and swallow some nasty liquids.... but the end result was that all was well, so the NG could come out and I could finally drink something!!!! Yeah!!! They also pulled the 2 drains around the incision (ouch...) and the foley catheter, so I was carrying less around! Went home Sat. am and took a nap as soon as I got home!!!
Had just clear liquids until today.... tried instant breakfast and it went down ok except that it feels really heavy... will see how lunch goes!
So the low down??? Not a walk in the park... less pain than I thought, but that NG is a killer. Seriously listen when people tell you you'll be tired.... I'm like a dishrag!! But I'm feeling pretty good... haven't taken pain meds since Wed., and am SOOOO glad it's over!!!!
I'm sure everyone's journey will be different, but this is mine...
Remember to post your experience for those about to become....