Has anyone else been told that they have to come up with their portion that is not covered by insurance up-front to the hospital prior to the day of surgery?
I wasn't told until 1-1/2 weeks prior to surgery that I needed to come up with $750 before surgery. Like most people I live pay-check to pay-check and am having a hard time getting this kind of money together.
I have not been officially told, but I have a similiar co-pay situation. My insurance says I get to pay $250 per day for the first 5 days of a hospital stay. I'm taking a giant leap and assuming that I will need to shell out for what they think will be my stay which is 3 days for the Lap RNY. So I'm right there with you. I am going to have to borrow the money from a relative myself because I don't have that kind of money just lying around either. Hospitals should really cover that pollicy alot sooner than you were notified. But I'm 1 week away and I still have not been notified. But at least I'm prepared to be hit with it. I am sorry for this whammy and I hope you can work it out. Maybe you can speak to the hospital and let them know that coming up with that amount all at once is not possible but maybe offer to set up some sort of payment plan. They might be able to get something set up. I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Hang in there! Alonda
I got a letter the end of June telling me that I had to pay my portion $277 for the surgery. I am glad gave me a couple of months to come up with the money. I would have been hard pressed to come up with it a week and a half prior to surgery.
Sorry about the last minute notification. Have you tried talking to them about making payments, since they notified you so late?
Just a thought.
Wow! I have never heard of the hospital billing up front. I thought they always billed you after they submitted the claims to your insurance?
I haven't been told I had to pay anything up front and I know I have a $500 deductable. My insurance covers everything else but I am responsible for the $500.
Can you borrow the money? Get an advance of your credit card?
Good luck, hon!
My doctor required me to call the hospital and pre-register, and part of that was arranging to pay any up front costs. I was lucky in that my insurance has a hospital co-pay of $125, but other than that, everything is paid in full. SO, the day of surgery, before I can be admitted, I have to pay $125.00. It was nice knowing that 6 weeks before surgery, and the money is safely tucked away, in a money order made out to the hospital that I cannot spend "accidentally" before surgery.
A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. She was called 2 DAYS before surgery and asked how she would like to pay her $200 co-pay!!! She was so mad!
I called my insurance company to ask what I would be responsible for and when. They said that I had a yearly deductible of $200 which I had already met, so no co-pay. Then the surgery is covered at 90%. So I would be responsible for 10% with no more than $1500 out-of-pocket. And that I have filled almost $500 of. So the most I will be paying out of pocket for the surgery is 10% or $1000, which ever is less. I am sure you can guess which will be less!
As for the "when?"... they said it was up to the hospital. So we will see if I get a call in the next few weeks if I have to shell out $1000 before surgery.
I am in the same boat, too. I'll have to borrow it.