I'm not nervious... at ALL!
My OR date is August 16th. I can't wait!!!
I've been waiting 2 LONG years for this. I have only 12 more days until I go under the knife.
My Fiance is flying in on the 10th so we can spend time together.
I think the main reason as to why I'm not scared/worried/ anxious is b/c everyone around me (inc myself) is SOOO supportive. All have a possitive out look and aren't worried about anything. I'm expecting it to be hard but not impossible. (I'm a REALLY strong person, both physically and emotionally)
I can't wait to get this done and start transforming into someone else, someone happier.
My Fiance is so scared of me having this surgery. He cries and worries about it. I tell him that it's importent for me to know that he's ok so I can go in there, have this done and not have to worry about him worrying about me.
Heheheh!!! I can't wait!
****Count down begins****

Im so happy for you...must be hard going thru this without your fiance...but you can do it because us women are strong...
i can understand your fiances aprehenshions (spelling sorry) but has he done any research on his own, he should and he will see how the stats are stacked in your favor.... but it is hard knowing the one you love is going under the knife for whatever reason....
hold strong and remember it is just around the corner for you...
God Bless...........
Awww ^^
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
Yes, it is hard being apart from one another but... it's just something we have to go through.
We're getting married in November and he's moving up here in April '06 so I don't have to wait that long for us to be together forever.
No, he hasn't researched it at all. He just knows that people have died and hates the thought of losing the only family he has. (understandably)
Thanx again!
Hey there! I'm not nervous either and for similiar reasons. The support I'm receiving from my family, friends and my new friends here on this site are outstanding. I too have done the research and know I'm on the right path. You are too! Maybe you can introduce your fiance to this site. Let him see some of the before and after pics of so many successful, happy people it might help to calm his nerves a bit. My date is 8/11, so I'm just a fews days ahead of you. Good luck! Alonda
Good luck to you!!!
I will keep you in my thoughts, as I am having surgery on August 16th, too!!!
I am not nervous about the surgery, I have a wonderful, supportive family, and my wife and I are having the surgery together, on the same day. We have several friends who are going to rotate staying with us, and my oldest is 18, and she is taking the week off work, too, so we decided to go through this together. It helps to have my soulmate with me on this journey!