I am such a failure!
I believe the Lord talks to us each in any way He can get us to listen, including panic attacks. There is a reason you didn't have your surgery that day - be thankful you listened when He spoke to you.
Keep listening to Him and He will lead you where you need to go!!!
RNY 8/13/04

You may be a survivor. Think of the stories you've heard of people feeling strong urges not to get on a plane, then later they find the plane crashed.
It wasn't your day and you knew it and responded to it. Your day will come again and you will feel more certain.
Your anything but a failure. :hug:
Goodluck Annette!
Don't say that
Always go with your gutt feeling, don't second guess yourself, especially with life changing decisions. You did it for a reason, just as you chose to get to the point of having the surgery FOR A REASON. If you were scared, nervous, anxious, panicked, freaked out..whatever it was...those are more than valid reasons to look out for yourself and make yourself feel the best possible. Always look out for yourself, and that's what you did