rotton luck

((((Brenda)))) I know your disapointed, just remember its going to happen!! I am just happy, EXCITED that they didn't say ohh lets have you come back for surgery next month! . Keep counting down.. its soon, really soon.
We are here for you if you need to talk or if you need
in anyway. Keep your chin up.

Oh, Brenda!
I am so sorry that your surgery was cancelled! You must have been so bummed!
I was supposed to have surgery on 5/26, but had an injury on 5/10 (broke three bones in my leg and needed emergency surgery) so it was cancelled. I was so upset.
But then I realized that it was not meant to happen on that day. I really do believe that. I sincerely believe that every thing happens for a reason. I was not meant to have surgery on 5/26 just as you were not meant to have surgery today. I know it stinks now, but when you come through surgery with flying colors on 8/10, you will be happy that everything happened as it did!
Hang in there, sweetie!
Hopefully canceling your surgery saved someone's life. You may be some one's angel and not even know it, I know I would thank you if it was me with the emergency. But I understand how you could be disappointed, I'd be majorly stuck if mine got canceled. My mom and sisters are flying in for mine, I would have no help if my surgery got bumped or canceled. They will be running my business while I'm out of commission and helping me get well.
that really does suck...but im a firm believer that there is a reason for everything even if we dont know what that reason is...but i know these are just words and i can only imagin what your going thru... i guess we all could have to face that at one point or another... i know if it happens to me ill be a bit ticked but also releived cause it just wasnt my time...prayers go out to you