28 days and counting.....procedure is scheduled for 8/30/04
On Friday August 6, 2004 I have my pre-op appointments scheduled...phew looks like a long day. Then after that it is just a waiting game until THE DATE! I will say that my sleep has been slightly interrupted due to a mixture of excitement and nerves.
Yes I do find myself getting antsy and a bit nervous-although not uncertain.
I am ready for this and ready to start loosing, not only the weight but also the aches and pains and lack of energy. I know that there is a lot to look forward to but also a lot of "issues" to deal with in regards to the change. I am looking forward to riding this horse to victory
I know it won't be an easy ride but it will definately be worth it!
I also am looking forward to taking a bath as opposed to a shower.
I know, I know....TMI