It's almost here 8-2-04. YEAH!
Hey everyone,
I am getting very excited and at the same time very nervous. My surgery is less than 50 hours away. Oh my gosh. I am almost on the losing side. Does anyone have a list or suggestions on what to bring to the hospital or something that I might need at home when I get out. Anyone else scheduled for Monday that is as excited and nervous as me. Sheri
Monday is my day as well.
Today was my first day of bowel prep
. Right now I'm feeling drained of all energy.
I was very nervous a few days ago. But since my hospital pre-op visit
I have been fine.
I'm beginning to feel hungery
. But Monday morning at 5:30 am will be here before I know It
Good luck with your surgery and I pray that you have a fast and uneventful recovery

Good Luck to ya all I am right along with you on my preop clear liquids as of today and tomorrow the yucky stuff comes my date is 08/03 I am doing it for 3 days. You will all be in my prayers .
As for a packing list I am bringing loose fitting clothing, nightie, robe( to walk the halls), chapstick (they say is a must), doderant, toothbrush brush,my list of people to call . Hope this helps See you on the losing side .

Good Morning all!...Well I will be driving up to Columbus Ohio later on today because suregry is tomorrow morning..I have to be there at 6am!..I was great about all this up till last husband was hugging me..and I broke hard to believe im gonna do this..or that im actually going to be healthy which is something I havent been in I dont know how long...I pray for all of us who are starting our new lives tomorrow..and everyone else....we will all do great! in God and he will guide us through safely to the other side..God Bless you all and i will see you all on the losers side sometime tomorrow morning!....*hugs*...Christine