My surgery date has been delayed. I got lost driving to West Chester to attend my diet class, delayed by road construction and a wreak, then the door was already locked, so I sat in the parking lot and cried a few minutes.

I had also been delayed because a dear friend of mine who has primary pulmonary hypertension went into heart failure and I had to wait for her husband to come get her to the hospital. (She is better.)
This email from my surgeon's secretary spells out what happens when you miss your diet class: "We are going to reschedule your surgery to 8.18 at 7:30am. I have no other options. You MUST attend the diet class before you have the surgery. Your class is scheduled for 8.6.04 at 11:00am. Please confirm your receipt of this email. Thanks."

I am one of those rare folks who can't afford a cell phone, plus I had given my son my last $10 that morning for gas so he could get to his Organic Chemistry class at UC, so I ran out my gas driving around, stopping for directions, etc., I limped home on fumes, took to my bed in tears

(unusual for me!) and stayed there until late the next day.
Several days later now I am recovered, my friend is out of the hospital, my son made an A on his test....................next time I have my trusty computer map and I will go 2 hours early and sit on their doorstep until class time.

For anyone new to this game, please be certain never to be late to any appointments. I have waited hours in waiting rooms, while getting all my consults done for this surgery, one hour for the Psych consult, 2 hours for the Anesthesiology consult, 45 minutes twice for the sleep consult doc, well...you get the drift.

And WE are paying THEM.

them all!
Enough pity party for me, I will look on the bright side and hope I can afford a big steak dinner out before the 18th! Thank goodness I don't have one of those docs who make you loose weight prior to your surgery, as I also ate a pint of Ben and Jerry's last night.