Filter in place.. Oh What an experience!!
Well, hello all, I went in yesterday too have my filter placed in. Wasn't feeling that great too start with. (monthly hell raiser and PMS) Well the first fool too stick me tried my right hand which I told here they never have any luck, she didn't listen too me, what would I know I mean it is my body and all. Well, needless too say she blew the vein and I needed too be stuck again. This time by a very handsome and gentle man-bet he makes his wife happy... LOL Took care of the iv. and I was ready to go in for the procedure. Well, all was well and they put me out. It went down hill from here. I started vomiting during the procedure and they stopped and brought me out of sedation. So in a very groggy stat, but feeling everything they finished the procedure which hurt like you know what. No pain meds till I was in recovery after they did a chest x-ray too see if I aspirated anything into my lungs, All was clear, but man it was painful. I'm feeling very sore now, and came home with percs for pain every 4 hr. I have the retrievable filter so in less than 3 weeks, I need this filter out of me. Oh happy, happy, joy, joy. I just goes too show, anything can happen when you least expect it. Does this scare me for my surgery on Thurs. not at all? The pain I feel now is nothing compared too what I will feel from my Lap RNY with panni...
Hi Susan,
I will also be having a filter put in. It was supposed to be last week, but the radiologist stated that he wanted to put the removable filter in and they had to order them. So, my procedure was postposed until this upcoming Friday.
Here is my question:
It hurt??!?!?? I was told that I wouild have sedation during the procedure but no pain afterwards. They gave you percocet to take after the procedure? YIKES!!!
Why wasn't I told what to expect? Did the radiologist give you pain meds to take home or just after the procedure?