2 Days to go...I'm so scared
It's going to be ok ((((Huggs)))) I have WLS on the same day as you! It's 3:26am and I am still up.. So much going through my mind. I just keep thinking Monday is the first day to the rest of my "new" life! Oh boy though... I have been out to eat everyday this past week trying to eat everything I just love...
I had chinese food today and my fortune said:
Doors will be opening for you in many areas of your life & Look forward to great fortune and a new lease on life
I thought to myself wow! That was really cool! Even my hubby thought it was cool that out of all the fortune cookies we got those were the 2 I picked
Good luck and I will be praying for you!

Hi Donna !
I know you are scared of complications, I think we all are at this point and as we get closer. Have faith and remember the reasons why you chose to do this. Only you can make the final decision, but we will all be sending up a lot of prayers every day for our fellow Augusteers!
You will be in my prayers and I am here if you need to just vent!! I will be looking to hear how you are doing on the other side!!
Being scared is so understandable right now. Just take some deep breaths and think about how great life is going to be after surgery. There are risks but the odds are not that bad. Just be sure to get out bed as soon as you can, keep positive thoughts and follow your docs orders to the letter and it will be fine. Ill be praying for you.