What was kinda strange to me was I was told during the pre-op demonstration at the hospital that after the first time I was gotten up, I would be expected to get myself in and out of bed and to adjust myself in the bed. I was shown the easiest way to scoot myself up in the bed and have my support person hold the sheets down while I performed this maneuver. I was told that the more we do for ourselves, the quicker we heal.
In the back of my mind, I was thinking, yeah, right. Probably they just don't want the backache of tugging at a morbidly obese person.
My husband says I'm too cynical and that I'm going to the hospital not a luxury spa. And others who've stayed at that same hospital rave about it. But, still.
I think we are all there with you being nervous and almost in disbelief that our day is finally coming. Some days it feels like time has flown by too fast, other days I don't think this could come soon enough.
One thing I know (from my mother being a nurse), is that the best thing you can do to help with recovery is walk after surgery. Sure we might be "uncomfortable", but I rather risk that then getting a blood clot, you know? Plus we are all going to have to get use to walking after surgery, even on days we don't feel like it. Others before us have made it through this, and we will as well! Cheers to us!

Hi everyone!
Time is coming quickly for me! I am so busy with school and work that I look up at the calendar at work and realize it is so close and get nervous. Not for any particular reason....just the "normal" feelings I suppose. I hav found someone to go with me and make me get up and walk walk walk!! Just in case the nurses don't have time to make me! Having worked the last 12 weeks on a med surg floor in my nursing clinical, I can easily see how they don't have time to be getting me up to walk so often!!
Anyways, best of luck to everyone and I can't wait till we start getting some post op feedback of our group crossing the threshold so to speak!
You are all in my prayers and I will try to do better keeping up with this board next week as we all enter this together!!