I'm 33 days away from my surgery date and I can totally relate to what you're saying. I think I'm feeling so many emotions all at the same time right now that I don't really know exactly what I'm feeling. It depends on the minute of the day too. I'm thinking someone will commit me to the psych ward when I'm down to 2 weeks!! Hang in there and breathe..... Ya, right. Now if I could only take my own advice

i'm 12 days away from mine. I know how u feel , im sure we all have the same feelings. I just found out i got approved yesterday and i got the date of Aug 9th at 11am yesterday, so im freaking out a lil too.LOL
but you will do great, we are all in gods hands. I wish you the best of luck
and if you need to vest, just give any of us an e-mail. we are here for u.