Surgery August 2,3,4,5,6????
Well, first week of August babies.... are we getting nervous yet??? I'm scheduled for August 2nd and it seems ages away still!
So we should all be in the same boat as far as preparation goes. I have my chapstick ready and have ordered a few protein samples as well as buying one can of whey powder from Wal-Mart.... I hear our tastes change after surgery, so I'm planning on getting more after I find what I like!
I'm in a slight panic as I go tomorrow for preop bloodwork and have gained back 6 of the 10 lbs I'd lost earlier...(company here for a week... just pigged out!) I hope the surgeon doesn't make too big a deal out of it!!!
So what are YOU doing to keep your mind occupied??? I said earlier that my teeth hurt.... I guess I'm clenching them when I sleep!!! I try not to think about the big day, but it's never more than a second's thought away!
Teri S

Well, I'm not scheduled for preop visit and blood wor****il wednesday next week. I'm just a bundle of nerves. My jaws hurt from clenching my teeth at night. I even tried to use my mouthguard with my CPAP machine last night because my teeth hurt so bad.
Good Luck to all the preop tomorrow!!!
I am not really nervous right now, but I know the night before I won't be able to sleep and once they put me on that stretcher, I will start crying.
I'm trying to figure out what sells what the cheapest. My dietician gave us a great list of products for our calcium suplements and protein supplements. I've got to make sure I've got both of those. Probably the weekend before I will do my actual food shopping. I know I wont be able to eat much.
Thank goodness my dietician gave me a good chart to write in what I ate, and it has plenty of suggestions on it.
I have my final pre-op this Friday. My mom said she might come with me. I kinda want her too because she will feel better if she meets my surgeon ahead of time, but she knows NOTHING so I'm scared she will ask a million questions.
My mom has been a little ****ompletely) pre-occupied with my newphew this past year and she hasn't paid attention to the fact that I was actually moving towards surgery.
She called me yesterday and told me that I didn't know what I was getting into. I know what I am getting into, she doesn't know what I am getting into.
Oh well............
At this point, I am numb. It still is unreal. My date is 8/3. I have several kinds of protein, vits, cal, chicken and beef broth, jell-o, wooden spoon and wipes and a bunch of things I know I wont need. It is like vacation, I always over pack so to speak. My pre-op testing is Friday, then a whole week and 3 days with nothing to do but wait.
My mom is in bad health so I do not need her at the hospital. She keeps asking me if I know what I am getting into...yes, I do....My daughter will be with me so she will hold my hand and wipe my tears....
I wish all of you a speedy recovery!
Oh yes! I feel like I am ready, but not quite. I have ordered anywhey (to add to broths) and other protein samples, vitamin supplements (going with vista vitamins, they seem the easiest and I have priced all sorts of combinations - they are close in cost and so much easier.) Don't have a spoon yet, making me nervous - this whole personal hygiene stuff (I have looked at mini-bidet type stuff even. But I keep reminding myself the difficulty will be temporary.) I have to be here looking around everyday now! I have created my own aftercare program (yes, I am an extreme control freak) and I have resolved that I will do what a fellow OHer had to do, which was walk every hour after surgery, and shower every morning. I think it will be hard, but dammit, I WILL recover quickly! lol
Oh man, chapstick. got to get the chapstick......and that damn spoon....
I am trying to work, and take care of my son, my little bro (18 this week) and my older bro (33 developmentally disabled). They keep me pretty distracted. Work is crazy right now, and that will end as soon as I go into surgery! Hey! I am having a sore tooth these couple of days! I thought I was not brushing or flossing well enough!
Ok, back to work
My date is Aug 5. So far I am not nervous. I go for my first pre-op testing tomorrow, the Thallum treadmill then the rest of it next week. Then on Thursday 7/29 I start my clear liquid diet. That is what is really got me nervous. How will I survive on clear liquid for a week! Yikes. I think I will be fine right up until Thursday morning at 4:00 AM when we have to get up to go to the hospital. Best wishes to all of you first week of Augusters and may God Bless You All.