Just for Fun!
Hello Augusteers!
I am getting more and more excited about my upcoming surgery and have been trying to get prepared. For the most part I have just been making lists and checking them twice but yesterday I bought something for after surgery. I bought a shaved ice maker! Maybe I won't even use it but I thought "what the heck, it's summer time and shaved ice is FUN!"
What FUN things have all of you bought or done to prepare for surgery?
Counting down--
(looking forward to some cool shaved ice)
P.S. Buying vitamins doesn't count....they are not very much fun!!!

I get to buy my pre-op enema... oh wait! That's NOT fun
I bought myself an electric hand mixer to mix protein drinks with that won't create much froth (aka gas!). Other than that, I haven't done much. I will do my grocery shopping a week or so in advance. I almost wish there was more to do so that I could keep myself busy and quit THINKING 24/7 about the surgery and my new life! I was going to buy myself a new nightgown for the hospital stay, but then I figured that would be a waste of money since it won't fit for long. I would like to find a journal to keep track of my journey starting a few days before surgery. That would be a lot of fun to look back on in a year or two.
Any other ideas out there?

I scrapbook, so I have started gathering things together to make a before and after book.
I've also been making the rounds at my favorite restaurants because I know it will be a long long time before I can go back.
I've started looking at my winter clothes because I know I won't fit into them. I'm especially looking at the ones I was too fat to fit into last year, and I will be too small to fit into them this year.
I've started planning my vacation for next yr. We are going to Branson, MO. I will be able to go to all the shows and actually FIT in the seats!!!! We are flying, and I will actually be able to fit in the airline seats!!!
I have a big family reunion this weekend. I kind of wi**** was after I have lost some weight, but oh well such is life. This will be my last sort of bash weekend to goof off. The next weekend before surgery I'll be cleaning every crevice in my house because I wont feel like it post op! (That is NOT fun!!!)
I am a scrapbooker too but just haven't been able to look at pictures of myself lately without feeling depressed. I know that once I start losing some weight and feeling better about myself I can go back and start scrapbooking the "big days" but until them I am keeping all of the fat pictures hidden!
I have also been eating at alot of my favorite places and have gone through my clothes. I have been trying to decide if I want to keep some of them or just get rid of all of them.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend at your family reunion. Just think when you go to the next one no one is going to recognize you since you will slim and trim.
Best wishes--

We have the same surgery date! I too have my last weekend bash before heading to the losers bench.
I wouls love to scrapbook..i have so many photos of my girls and i dont know hoe to arrange them..or even where to start. im looking foward to going on vacation with my family
and fitting in the airplane seats. All the Best!

LOL! I am sure enema buying could be alot of fun...NOT!!!
I loved the journal idea. I will add that to my list of things to get started soon. I did buy a new robe to wear at the hospital but it looks like a huge tent and made me feel bad so I am not counting that as something fun.
Best wishes on your journey,

Howdy! I haven't even thought of the clothes yet - Geez! I just started going to the YMCA (again!) with my sister and have been working on machines and swimming. I never thought I would be on any of those machines!
I feel pretty good now, but wait a few months, I'll be able to run with my dog instead of jus****ch her, I can't wait (and neither can she!!!!) 2 weeks today! Have to clean house - maybe I'll start on those clothes, after all!!
All the Best!